What is a Deep Facial?

This treatment is focused on specials concerns like mild acne, oily skin or acne inflammatory and ingrown hair, this occurs in and around the sebaceous glands of the face, neck, chest & back, and is usually caused by overactive sebaceous glands, hormonal activity and pore blockage.

This unique acne treatment acts on the alpha-reductor enzyme to reduce the excess of sebum associated with acne.

Improving acne skin is a continuous process and patients need to follow a home care plan and frequent visits to obtain the desired result of clean skin.

What is included in a Deep Facial?

The cleansers and exfoliants used for this treatment are exclusively for this skin type, removing oils, impurities, and dead skin cells, preparing the dermis for the next step that will cleanse deeply thanks to a product applied (desincrustante) with steam for ten minutes, this enzyme will soften the sebaceous material, then the waves produced by the ultrasonic scrubber will soften the sebum from the clogged pores allowing a precise cleaning of the skin leaving it completely free of impurities; Manual extractions will be performed to remove papulas and pustules, and remove bacteria and fluids so the skin can heal quickly.

With the bare skin and prepared for the next step of this treatment, the high frequency of violet light will be used, eliminating the bacteria that cause acne and unwanted toxins, while making the skin more receptive to lotions, serums, creams and other products.

How does high frequency work?

A small amount of ultraviolet light is emitted when the electrode makes contact with the skin, killing all bacteria and providing excellent healing benefits. It is painless and you will only hear a small noise when the electrode makes contact with your skin.

A light massage will be performed to penetrate the active ingredients of the oxygen moisturizing serum and the blemarex acne gel, these will help reduce swollen skin and acne eruption, also the solution can work effectively to remove brown spots and scars caused by the condition of acne.

“In this treatment we will avoid a strong massage on the face because it could activate the sebaceous glands”

A purifying mask will be applied to calm the skin after the extractions and leave a fresh and clean sensation.

The last and most spectacular moment of this treatment is oxygen therapy, leaving the skin with a natural glow without redness and fresh sensation.

And, obviously, our lightest moisture-protecting sunscreen with SPF 20 that will protect for six hours with a single application.

Are there any contraindications for ultrasound or high frequency?

  • pacemaker or heart disease history

  • wearing metal jewelry

  • pregnancy

  • cancer

  • diabetes

  • blood disorders

  • seizures